Natasha tagged me to do this so here it goes....
8 T.V. shows that I like to watch...... (at least before Caribou County decided to go digital way early!)
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Grey's Anatomy
3.Ugly Betty
4.King of Queens
5. Full House
6. Nanny 911
7.Everybody Lobes Raymond
8.Brothers and Sisters
8 things that happened yesterday.......
1. Played Chicken Invaders with Shane for like 12 hours
2. Did Laundry
3. Did dishes
4. Met my cooperating teacher for student teaching...(he seems super nice!)
5. Studied for my Geology lab final
6. Studied for my Political Science Final
7. Made Lunch and Dinner
8. Played with my dog
8 favorite places to eat... (no particular order)
1. Wendy's
2. Chili's
3. Olive Garden
4. Sizzler
5.Taco Bell
6. Applebees
7. Maddox
8. Anywhere that means I don't have to cook
8 things I am looking forward to......
1.finishing this semester
2. Graduating
3. Finally starting a family
4. My own house
5. Having time to spend with friends and family
6.Seeing my dad again (Totally hear you there Tasha)
7. Seeing my brother (He moved to Texas)
8. Relaxing
8 things on my wish list......
1. To graduate
2. To have a baby
3. To be a better friend, daughter, sister, wife, etc.
4. Time to spend with my mom
5. Everyone to have a good Christmas
6. A house of my own
7. New clothes
8. To be an awesome teacher
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New PIcs of Jakers!
Okay so everyone probably thinks that I am obsessed with my dog and tiny confession......I am. I don't have kids so he is a baby substitute.
The first picture is Jake sleeping...the only time is he calm and peaceful. The rest of the time he is a holy terror!
The second picture is Jake's favorite place to be......right in the middle of the road. It's a miracle he hasn't gotten ran over...everytime we look outside there he is.
The next picture is Jake playing with Toby (in-laws dog). Jake thinks they're friends. They're more like big brother and the annoying little brother. I don't think toby really likes jake but puts up with him because he has to.
The last picture is Jake's "I'm having an attitude" look. He always looks at you like he thinks you're dumb or something. "If you don't play with me right now...I"m going to rip apart every blanket and pillow you own"....he has actually done this.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Random Things That Annoy Me
Lately I have noticed that a few completely random things seem to annoy the heck out of me.
The other day Shane and I stopped at a gas station to get a few things. I happened to notice the price of cigarettes in the window. I don't smoke, but just noticed the sign for some strange reason. Anyway, the cheapest I saw were $3.00 per pack! This doesn't sound too bad until you consider just how many packs smokers go through in a day. WHY!!!!!!?????????!!!!!! Save your money people, not to mention your health. Plus any habit that requires you to stand outside when it's 30 below is just plain crazy to me.
The other thing that annoys me is people who just dart out acrossed the road without even looking to see if a car is coming, let alone if the driver of that car has seen you or has the ability to stop that quickly. This happens a lot on campus and it annoys me really bad. If some person, who seemingly has no regard for his/her personal safety decides to just run acrossed the road, and I can't stop or don't see them then I am the one in trouble. Look where you're going people! For your own safety as well as my own.
The other day Shane and I stopped at a gas station to get a few things. I happened to notice the price of cigarettes in the window. I don't smoke, but just noticed the sign for some strange reason. Anyway, the cheapest I saw were $3.00 per pack! This doesn't sound too bad until you consider just how many packs smokers go through in a day. WHY!!!!!!?????????!!!!!! Save your money people, not to mention your health. Plus any habit that requires you to stand outside when it's 30 below is just plain crazy to me.
The other thing that annoys me is people who just dart out acrossed the road without even looking to see if a car is coming, let alone if the driver of that car has seen you or has the ability to stop that quickly. This happens a lot on campus and it annoys me really bad. If some person, who seemingly has no regard for his/her personal safety decides to just run acrossed the road, and I can't stop or don't see them then I am the one in trouble. Look where you're going people! For your own safety as well as my own.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Graduation Here I Come!!!
I got the thumbs up to student teach next semester which means that I will officially graduate in May 2009! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
America's Got Talent
I have been watching America's got Talent lately. This guy's name is Eli Mattson and he is my favorite "act" on the show. Watch this video and you will see why he is my favorite. He has an incredible voice and picks great songs that suit his voice. I think that he is very talented. One of the best things about him is that he is humble about his talent. I hate people who possess the talent but think they're the bomb. It ruins it for me. He is not like that. I hope you like it too.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Well life is changing for my family. My mom is moving. It is so crazy packing up stuff and to think about leaving the house you grew up in for your entire life. It is for the best though and I am excited to have my mom closer to me. Rollie is moving too. Far Far away to Texas. It is just time for everyone to have a fresh start and try smething new.
School starts in a couple of weeks. Graduation here I come!!!! I passed my last and final Praxis II exam so all I have to do is finish some classes and student teach. The student teaching scares me to death, but Shane is great at pep talks so I know I will be fine. Besides if I survived the woman in Twin Falls for 309..nobody in Pocatello can be that scary.
I really like living in Grace. The only thing that I am still not used to is the pitch black darkness at night. But the land is beautiful and the people are very nice. Small towns are truly blessed places to live.
School starts in a couple of weeks. Graduation here I come!!!! I passed my last and final Praxis II exam so all I have to do is finish some classes and student teach. The student teaching scares me to death, but Shane is great at pep talks so I know I will be fine. Besides if I survived the woman in Twin Falls for 309..nobody in Pocatello can be that scary.
I really like living in Grace. The only thing that I am still not used to is the pitch black darkness at night. But the land is beautiful and the people are very nice. Small towns are truly blessed places to live.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
4th of July

We spent the 4th in Malad with my family. It was a lot of fun. Julie brought her girls. They are very sweet and cute girls. The first picture is the new "potential" Gleed family photo. The second is me teaching Ally how to "cook". All she did was help me make salad dressing, but she thought that was awesome. The fireworks were cool, we bought mortars this year which is quite possibly the biggest firework show ever seen at the Gleed household.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Greetings from Grace!
Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. I don't have the internet at my house and the internet at my in-laws is the slowest dial up on the planet. No joke. If you want to check your email you had better plan on at least an hour just for the important messages and another hour to look at anything fun. I have literally been trying to create this post for over an hour!
Things are going pretty well here in Grace. It is really quiet out here and I love it. I'm a little worried about commuting to school in Pocatello in the Fall because of the crazy gas prices.
Tasha, it was great to see you! I was so excited when you called and said you were in Grace. I can't wait to come to Brittney's baby shower and see everyone.
Shane and I are going to Malad for the 4th of July to see my family. Rollie's girlfriend and her two daughters flew up here from Texas. I have met Julie, and am extremely excited to meet her girls who may be my new potential nieces! I hope so anyway.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Shane's New Toy
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
twenty years ago I...
1) was five years old
2) loved kindergarten
3) loved my momma
ten years ago I...
1) got my driver's license...has it really been that long????Yikes.
2) had my first "boyfriend"....we never went anywhere...but we were "going out"
3) started working at Papa Kelsey's.
five years ago I...
1) met Shane :)
2) was going to ISU
3) still loved my momma
three years ago I...
1) Started dating Shane
2) my dad died :(
3) got a new car
one year ago I...
1) was looking forward to my first anniversary with my new hubby
2) wanting to blow up ISU because they kept changing my graduation requirements
3) still loved my momma
so far this year I have...
1) survived a very scary professor.
2) found out Shane got a new job and we were going to be moving
3) got a new puppy beagle
yesterday I...
1) packed....getting ready to move
2) went to class
3) went to work
today I...
1) packed some more
2) went to work
3) did homework
tomorrow I will...
1) pack some more....yippee for me
2) go to work
3) still love my momma....have you gotten the hint that I love my momma...and yes I realize that I am nearly 25 years old and she is still my "momma".
next year I may...
1) GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2) Have a baby on the way hopefully.
3) get a teaching job
1) was five years old
2) loved kindergarten
3) loved my momma
ten years ago I...
1) got my driver's license...has it really been that long????Yikes.
2) had my first "boyfriend"....we never went anywhere...but we were "going out"
3) started working at Papa Kelsey's.
five years ago I...
1) met Shane :)
2) was going to ISU
3) still loved my momma
three years ago I...
1) Started dating Shane
2) my dad died :(
3) got a new car
one year ago I...
1) was looking forward to my first anniversary with my new hubby
2) wanting to blow up ISU because they kept changing my graduation requirements
3) still loved my momma
so far this year I have...
1) survived a very scary professor.
2) found out Shane got a new job and we were going to be moving
3) got a new puppy beagle
yesterday I...
1) packed....getting ready to move
2) went to class
3) went to work
today I...
1) packed some more
2) went to work
3) did homework
tomorrow I will...
1) pack some more....yippee for me
2) go to work
3) still love my momma....have you gotten the hint that I love my momma...and yes I realize that I am nearly 25 years old and she is still my "momma".
next year I may...
1) GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2) Have a baby on the way hopefully.
3) get a teaching job
Monday, April 28, 2008
I got Tagged!!!
I was tagged by Natasha
1. Your Hair? Brown
2. Your Favorite thing? the way that walking out your door in the morning and seeing sunshine just makes you want to smile.
3. Favorite Drink? Diet Coke...duh!
4. Room You're in? computer lab...of course.
5. Your fear? being a failure in many many ways.
6. What do you want to be in 10 years? a mommy and a teacher
7. One of your wish list items? a new 4 wheeler
8. Where you grew up? Malad, ID
9. Last thing you did? went to SPED class
10. What are you wearing? nothing special. jeans & a t-shirt.
11. Your pet? Jake is our new puppy beagle...we also have fish.
12. Your Life? is busy, crazy, stressful
13. Your Mood? stressed and tired
14. Missing? Shane and Jake
15. What are you thinking about right now? that I need to get my homework done.
16. Your summer? not really sure yet.
17. Your relationship status? married.
18. School? still going...almost done
19. Soup? homemade tomato soup
20. Motto: if it doesn't kill you it will only make you stronger.
I tag .....I dont' know..the only person I know who has a blog is natasha and she tagged me so...I don't know....
1. Your Hair? Brown
2. Your Favorite thing? the way that walking out your door in the morning and seeing sunshine just makes you want to smile.
3. Favorite Drink? Diet Coke...duh!
4. Room You're in? computer lab...of course.
5. Your fear? being a failure in many many ways.
6. What do you want to be in 10 years? a mommy and a teacher
7. One of your wish list items? a new 4 wheeler
8. Where you grew up? Malad, ID
9. Last thing you did? went to SPED class
10. What are you wearing? nothing special. jeans & a t-shirt.
11. Your pet? Jake is our new puppy beagle...we also have fish.
12. Your Life? is busy, crazy, stressful
13. Your Mood? stressed and tired
14. Missing? Shane and Jake
15. What are you thinking about right now? that I need to get my homework done.
16. Your summer? not really sure yet.
17. Your relationship status? married.
18. School? still going...almost done
19. Soup? homemade tomato soup
20. Motto: if it doesn't kill you it will only make you stronger.
I tag .....I dont' know..the only person I know who has a blog is natasha and she tagged me so...I don't know....
Friday, April 18, 2008
I got my scores for my PRAXIS II exam. I passed!!!! That is such a huge relief. One down one to go. I have to take another one in June. In secondary education you have to take one for your major and one for your minor so that is why there are two tests.
It's starting to get time to move soon. I am way excited. It is on to new adventures.
It's starting to get time to move soon. I am way excited. It is on to new adventures.
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Jake Files
Congratulations to Sara and Steve

Steve and Sara were married on Saturday April 5, 2008. Sara looked so beautiful. I was very happy that I could be there and help Sara celebrate her new life. It was also a blast to see Natasha, her mom, Brittney, Becky, and I also met some new people. I haven't seen Natasha and her family in forever. It was great to sit by natasha and catch up. Congratulations to Steve and Sara Earl.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Ugly Rental Cars

OK. Maybe I'm just being picky...but this is the car I was stuck with while mine is being repaired from the accident. It works, but I think it is really ugly. The only redeeming feature of this car is that it probably gets 40 mile to the gallon. Oh well I guess. I am getting ready to move in a month and trying to keep up with school. So far so good. My mom got to spend a week with me in Twin Falls which was a lot of fun. This week should be fun too because my friend is getting married!!! YEAH!.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I got tagged
I got tagged....I tag Natasha.
Fill out this questionaire:
20 years ago: Let's see, 1988...I was turning 4 that year. I don't remember much. I lived in Malad. I liked playing outside and my family. Preschool was pretty cool. What I remember of it anyway. I couldn't say package, yellow, or Gillaire correctly. Yep, that's right. I couldn't say my sister's name when I was little so I called her sissy.
10 years ago: 1998...I finally got my driver's license! I scratched my mom's car the day I got it..oops! I eventually took over the family beater car. Remeber the old blue thing?! That was a lovely car. Just kididng. I also started my freshmen year of high school and had my first boyfriend. That was interesting.
5 years ago: Lets see...2003...hmmm I had just finished my sophmore year at college. It was my first at ISU. I wasn't very happy that year. ISU was the last place on earth that I wanted to be...but I gave it some time...met some really cool friends..and the place grew on me. I worked at the worst grocery store ever. The store was fine..the owner not so nice..but I survived and went back to school in the fall. I believe this is about the time when I first met Shane. We were just friends at this point...We hung out a couple of times..but after that I didn't see him for two years.
3 years ago: 2005 was a very bittersweet year for me. Good stuff: I began to date the person who turned out to be my very best friend as well as the love of my life. Shane and I also made the decision that I should move to Twin Falls in the winter of 2003. Turned out to be a good move..but now I am ready to leave..haha. Sad stuff: Got to spend another summer at home which was a good thing. I had originally planned to stay in Pocatello for the summer..even had a job lined up, but I had this really strange feeling that wouldn't go away. This feeling kept telling me that I needed to be home for the summer. I just felt like my family needed me for some reason, but didn't know why. I found out why a few months later when my dad passed away from a sudden illness that no one saw coming. It helped a lot with the healing to be close to the rest of my family for the summer.
last year: 2007. Shane and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. Survived a very difficult teacher with an instructor that seemed to have it out for me and I still earned an A. I finally made my life goal of being on the Dean's list.
yesterday: March 9, 2008
today: March 10, 2008
this month: March 2008
this year: 2008
Fill out this questionaire:
20 years ago: Let's see, 1988...I was turning 4 that year. I don't remember much. I lived in Malad. I liked playing outside and my family. Preschool was pretty cool. What I remember of it anyway. I couldn't say package, yellow, or Gillaire correctly. Yep, that's right. I couldn't say my sister's name when I was little so I called her sissy.
10 years ago: 1998...I finally got my driver's license! I scratched my mom's car the day I got it..oops! I eventually took over the family beater car. Remeber the old blue thing?! That was a lovely car. Just kididng. I also started my freshmen year of high school and had my first boyfriend. That was interesting.
5 years ago: Lets see...2003...hmmm I had just finished my sophmore year at college. It was my first at ISU. I wasn't very happy that year. ISU was the last place on earth that I wanted to be...but I gave it some time...met some really cool friends..and the place grew on me. I worked at the worst grocery store ever. The store was fine..the owner not so nice..but I survived and went back to school in the fall. I believe this is about the time when I first met Shane. We were just friends at this point...We hung out a couple of times..but after that I didn't see him for two years.
3 years ago: 2005 was a very bittersweet year for me. Good stuff: I began to date the person who turned out to be my very best friend as well as the love of my life. Shane and I also made the decision that I should move to Twin Falls in the winter of 2003. Turned out to be a good move..but now I am ready to leave..haha. Sad stuff: Got to spend another summer at home which was a good thing. I had originally planned to stay in Pocatello for the summer..even had a job lined up, but I had this really strange feeling that wouldn't go away. This feeling kept telling me that I needed to be home for the summer. I just felt like my family needed me for some reason, but didn't know why. I found out why a few months later when my dad passed away from a sudden illness that no one saw coming. It helped a lot with the healing to be close to the rest of my family for the summer.
last year: 2007. Shane and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. Survived a very difficult teacher with an instructor that seemed to have it out for me and I still earned an A. I finally made my life goal of being on the Dean's list.
yesterday: March 9, 2008
today: March 10, 2008
this month: March 2008
this year: 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The latest scoop
Well...a lot has happened to the Hubbard family in the last few weeks.
Shane started his new job yesterday. He says he thinks that he will really like it once he gets to know the plant and the other employees. When you're an industrial electrician there is an incredible amount of time and energy that must go into learning about the various machines and equipment that they use. It definitely isn't changing light bulbs. These machines are huge. Shane showed me one of the fuses from the plant where he used to work. It was the size of a two liter bottle of pop! Sometimes it scares me to think of shane working on equipment that big..but I know he is really careful. Now that he is in Soda Springs during the week I miss him like crazy....I can't wait until May!!!
About two weeks ago we went to the Hubbard snowmobile party. They have one every year. My father in law had an accident. He was leaning into a turn when suddenly the snowmachine flipped. It went end-over-end three times and traveled about 100 feet. Lucky he wasn't hurt. Shane nearly had a heart attack though. He was on the other snowmachine and came up over the hill just in time to see his dad go flying and the snow machine flip over and over. I'm just glad that nobody got hurt or worse.
A few days after that I was sound asleep in bed when all the sudden the bed started shaking. I was like "what the heck?"...when it dawned on me that it was an earthquake. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was the first one that I remember feeling.
I also got to meet my brother's girlfriend/potential fiance. I hope it works out for them. She is the nicest girl and fits my brother perfectly. He deserves to be happy and has waited a long time for this to happen. I guess to everything there is a season.
School is still going on as usual. I am getting ready to take the Praxis II exam...YIKES! Wish me luck.
Shane started his new job yesterday. He says he thinks that he will really like it once he gets to know the plant and the other employees. When you're an industrial electrician there is an incredible amount of time and energy that must go into learning about the various machines and equipment that they use. It definitely isn't changing light bulbs. These machines are huge. Shane showed me one of the fuses from the plant where he used to work. It was the size of a two liter bottle of pop! Sometimes it scares me to think of shane working on equipment that big..but I know he is really careful. Now that he is in Soda Springs during the week I miss him like crazy....I can't wait until May!!!
About two weeks ago we went to the Hubbard snowmobile party. They have one every year. My father in law had an accident. He was leaning into a turn when suddenly the snowmachine flipped. It went end-over-end three times and traveled about 100 feet. Lucky he wasn't hurt. Shane nearly had a heart attack though. He was on the other snowmachine and came up over the hill just in time to see his dad go flying and the snow machine flip over and over. I'm just glad that nobody got hurt or worse.
A few days after that I was sound asleep in bed when all the sudden the bed started shaking. I was like "what the heck?"...when it dawned on me that it was an earthquake. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was the first one that I remember feeling.
I also got to meet my brother's girlfriend/potential fiance. I hope it works out for them. She is the nicest girl and fits my brother perfectly. He deserves to be happy and has waited a long time for this to happen. I guess to everything there is a season.
School is still going on as usual. I am getting ready to take the Praxis II exam...YIKES! Wish me luck.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
More fun stuff-I hope it's fun for you to read!
You and your significant other
How long have you been together?
We met almost five years ago, but officially dating we have been together almost three years. Our first date was July 4, 2005
How long did you date?
One years and two months. We got married on September 23, 2006
How old is he?24. I am older by 7 months...which he continually likes to rub in.
Who eats more?
Shane! He's funny when he eats. He will eat until he is full and then he walks around for a while so that he can fit more food in his stomach. Sometimes I wonder where he puts it all.
Who said "I love you" first?
Shane did. I wanted to say it first, but I wasn't going to until he did.
Who is taller?
He's 6'1" and I'm 5'7". Do the math.
Who is smarter?
We are both pretty smart.
Who does the laundry?
I do.
Who does the dishes?
We both do, but I prefer it when I do them because when he does them he never puts things away where they go and I can never find anything.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do by default. Our bed is pushed into the corner against a wall. The right side is against the wall. Shane has to get up it's just easier for me to sleep against the wall.
Who mows the lawn?
Shane does. Our lawn mower hates me.
Who cooks dinner?
I do. Shane works so hard that I feel like it's my wifely duty to cook dinner. but he has cooked in a pinch.
Who is more stubborn?
Now this is a serious toss up. I would say we are both stubborn.
Who kissed who first?
Shane kissed me first...but I was working pretty hard to earn that first kiss.
Who asked who out?
This is kinda funny. Our friend Lance (who introduced us) came into the store I was working at and said that Shane wondered if I wanted to do something on the 4th of July. At this point we hadn't seen or talked to each other in two years. So Shane did, but through a friend.
Who proposed?
Shane. We had gone to the mall to look at rings and so I knew it was coming, but didn't know when. One day he showed up at my apartment and told me that I wasn't going to be getting my ring for at least six months. I was bummed but trying not to show it. Then we were sitting there and I felt something in his coat pocket..He got down on one knee and I got all excited like any girl would when she thinks she's going to be proposed to....he pulls out the item...and it is keys! I was really mad at this point. Shane then wanted to go for a walk along the canyon edge but I didn't want to go because I was really mad at him for tricking me. I eventually gave in and we went for a walk. We get to this one spot, and he asks me if I'm nervous and I said that I was...then he said that he knew it was because I was waiting for this....he pulls out a box and I do a double take. At first I didn't think much of it because he said I wasn't going to get the ring...he had the ring the whole time!!!!! The jerk. Anyway it all went well and I said "YES".
Who is more sensitive?
It's definitely me. I can cry over anything. If I get mad I cry, If I'm sad I cry....
Who has more friends?
We both have several close friends.
Who has more siblings?
exact same amount. two.
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
We both wear pants...haha!
How long have you been together?
We met almost five years ago, but officially dating we have been together almost three years. Our first date was July 4, 2005
How long did you date?
One years and two months. We got married on September 23, 2006
How old is he?24. I am older by 7 months...which he continually likes to rub in.
Who eats more?
Shane! He's funny when he eats. He will eat until he is full and then he walks around for a while so that he can fit more food in his stomach. Sometimes I wonder where he puts it all.
Who said "I love you" first?
Shane did. I wanted to say it first, but I wasn't going to until he did.
Who is taller?
He's 6'1" and I'm 5'7". Do the math.
Who is smarter?
We are both pretty smart.
Who does the laundry?
I do.
Who does the dishes?
We both do, but I prefer it when I do them because when he does them he never puts things away where they go and I can never find anything.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do by default. Our bed is pushed into the corner against a wall. The right side is against the wall. Shane has to get up it's just easier for me to sleep against the wall.
Who mows the lawn?
Shane does. Our lawn mower hates me.
Who cooks dinner?
I do. Shane works so hard that I feel like it's my wifely duty to cook dinner. but he has cooked in a pinch.
Who is more stubborn?
Now this is a serious toss up. I would say we are both stubborn.
Who kissed who first?
Shane kissed me first...but I was working pretty hard to earn that first kiss.
Who asked who out?
This is kinda funny. Our friend Lance (who introduced us) came into the store I was working at and said that Shane wondered if I wanted to do something on the 4th of July. At this point we hadn't seen or talked to each other in two years. So Shane did, but through a friend.
Who proposed?
Shane. We had gone to the mall to look at rings and so I knew it was coming, but didn't know when. One day he showed up at my apartment and told me that I wasn't going to be getting my ring for at least six months. I was bummed but trying not to show it. Then we were sitting there and I felt something in his coat pocket..He got down on one knee and I got all excited like any girl would when she thinks she's going to be proposed to....he pulls out the item...and it is keys! I was really mad at this point. Shane then wanted to go for a walk along the canyon edge but I didn't want to go because I was really mad at him for tricking me. I eventually gave in and we went for a walk. We get to this one spot, and he asks me if I'm nervous and I said that I was...then he said that he knew it was because I was waiting for this....he pulls out a box and I do a double take. At first I didn't think much of it because he said I wasn't going to get the ring...he had the ring the whole time!!!!! The jerk. Anyway it all went well and I said "YES".
Who is more sensitive?
It's definitely me. I can cry over anything. If I get mad I cry, If I'm sad I cry....
Who has more friends?
We both have several close friends.
Who has more siblings?
exact same amount. two.
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
We both wear pants...haha!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I found some pictures!

I finally found some pictures that were not taken at my wedding. the first one is me and my momma. You can't tell I love my momma can you? She is literally my best friend. The second is the 4th of July waterfight. Shane and I found a hose and you can see the results. Third is the fourth of july parade. I don't have a particularly happy look on my face..but I promise it was fun.
A little about me....
I like to learn stuff about here is a little about me:
1. How tall are you barefoot? 5'5ish. Shane is 6'1"... and he wonders why I wear tall shoes :)
3. Do you own a gun? which one..we hunt and live in Idaho...we're not psycho people
4. Rehab? is there one for diet coke addiction?
5. Did you get nervous before “meeting the parents”? A little because Shane had told me scary stories...wasn't that bad.
6. What do you think of your friends? Love 'em all...miss 'em tons!
7. What’s your favorite Christmas song? O Holy's the only one I like.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Diet coke
9. Do you do push-ups? Only if forced
11. Are you vegitarian? nope
12. Do you own a knife? yep..again..idaho..hunters..blah blah blah
13. Do you have A.D.D.? not technically..but sometimes I wonder.
16. Date Of Birth? sometime nearly 25 years ago
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Is it time to go home yet? Dang I'm almost out of diet coke. What am I going to cook for dinner?
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought? fruit, pizza, and markers.
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink: diet coke, diet coke, diet coke, diet coke, water
20. What time did you wake up today? 7:16..the alarm didn't go off..shane was late for work...oops
21. Current hair? Plain brown
22. Current worry? Praxis exams
23. Current hate? I don't hate things or anyone..I have strong dislikes..but I really don't care for the word hate.
24. Favorite place to be? My momma's house..yes I realize I am nearly 25 and she is still my momma. get over it!
25. Least favorite place to be? Twin Falls...people here are strange.
26. Where would you like to go? Hawaii or somewhere warm
27. Do you own slippers? yep
28. What do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs? hopefully a mom and a teacher
29. Do you burn or tan? both
30. Last thing you ate? Twix..I have a healthy diet at the moment
31. Would you be a pirate? not really sure.
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? A long time ago. I went through a rebellious streak...thank goodness that ended. I never did anything really bad...I more or less just wanted to know what everybody thought was so great about being drunk....didn't care for it.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever one is stuck in my head.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? vampires and spiders
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Shane talking to his pillow in the middle of the night. weird dreams or something.
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? purple flannel ones...they were warm when you wanted it and cool when you wanted it.
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? I spraned my wrist once?
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? Three
41. Who is your loudest friend? my sister.
42. Who is your most silent friend? sara
43. Does someone have a crush on you? He better or else he's in trouble.
44. Do you wish on stars? nope.
45. What is your favorite book? I absolutely love the work and the glory series. the movies don't do them justice.
46. What is your favorite candy? anything fruity...not a huge fan of chocolate
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? anything but "here comes the bride" that song drives me nuts!
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't think I'm going to have a choice in the matter.
49. What were you doing 12AM last night? watching tv
50. Do you love someone? You bet...he's ornery at times..but who isn't. He more than makes up for it and puts up with me so I absolutely love him to death!
1. How tall are you barefoot? 5'5ish. Shane is 6'1"... and he wonders why I wear tall shoes :)
3. Do you own a gun? which one..we hunt and live in Idaho...we're not psycho people
4. Rehab? is there one for diet coke addiction?
5. Did you get nervous before “meeting the parents”? A little because Shane had told me scary stories...wasn't that bad.
6. What do you think of your friends? Love 'em all...miss 'em tons!
7. What’s your favorite Christmas song? O Holy's the only one I like.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Diet coke
9. Do you do push-ups? Only if forced
11. Are you vegitarian? nope
12. Do you own a knife? yep..again..idaho..hunters..blah blah blah
13. Do you have A.D.D.? not technically..but sometimes I wonder.
16. Date Of Birth? sometime nearly 25 years ago
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Is it time to go home yet? Dang I'm almost out of diet coke. What am I going to cook for dinner?
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought? fruit, pizza, and markers.
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink: diet coke, diet coke, diet coke, diet coke, water
20. What time did you wake up today? 7:16..the alarm didn't go off..shane was late for work...oops
21. Current hair? Plain brown
22. Current worry? Praxis exams
23. Current hate? I don't hate things or anyone..I have strong dislikes..but I really don't care for the word hate.
24. Favorite place to be? My momma's house..yes I realize I am nearly 25 and she is still my momma. get over it!
25. Least favorite place to be? Twin Falls...people here are strange.
26. Where would you like to go? Hawaii or somewhere warm
27. Do you own slippers? yep
28. What do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs? hopefully a mom and a teacher
29. Do you burn or tan? both
30. Last thing you ate? Twix..I have a healthy diet at the moment
31. Would you be a pirate? not really sure.
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? A long time ago. I went through a rebellious streak...thank goodness that ended. I never did anything really bad...I more or less just wanted to know what everybody thought was so great about being drunk....didn't care for it.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever one is stuck in my head.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? vampires and spiders
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Shane talking to his pillow in the middle of the night. weird dreams or something.
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? purple flannel ones...they were warm when you wanted it and cool when you wanted it.
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? I spraned my wrist once?
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? Three
41. Who is your loudest friend? my sister.
42. Who is your most silent friend? sara
43. Does someone have a crush on you? He better or else he's in trouble.
44. Do you wish on stars? nope.
45. What is your favorite book? I absolutely love the work and the glory series. the movies don't do them justice.
46. What is your favorite candy? anything fruity...not a huge fan of chocolate
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? anything but "here comes the bride" that song drives me nuts!
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't think I'm going to have a choice in the matter.
49. What were you doing 12AM last night? watching tv
50. Do you love someone? You bet...he's ornery at times..but who isn't. He more than makes up for it and puts up with me so I absolutely love him to death!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Apparently I'm having issues + Life

First of has been a bad day. On my way to work this morning some guy hit my car. So the day started off fabulously! NOT!!! Then I go to the dentist and I have three cavities. Yeah for me. If you guys don't already know...I am very sarcastic so don't take my ranting and raving personally..ok..
Shane got a new job. We are finally getting the heck out of Twin Falls!!!!! No offense Sara ( I love ya)...but I do not care for Twin Falls. I want to go back to the middle of nowhere which is what I'm used to. Smalltown girl stuck in the city...doesn't mix well. Anyway we will probaly be living in Grace. We still have details to figure out. I'm rambling...the reason I am apparently having issues is that I forgot to post pictures.
I finally have a blogspot!!!
My friends...okay natasha...have been telling me forever that I should get a now I have one...yippee. I will try to post of right now the only "family" pics I have are from my wedding. Shane is extremely camera shy. Hopefully this blog isn't too boring.
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