A lot has happened since my last post. Brynlee is growing up so fast. She has started walking as long as she can push or hold onto something. She has taken a step or two on her own..but needs to gain some balance and a little more confidence.
I am substitute teaching now...mostly in Soda Springs. I really enjoy it. The variety of students makes it fun because you get to meet a lot of new people.
Shane still works at Agrium as an electrician/instrument tech. He is also a great daddy. Bryn sure does love her daddy!! It is so cute to see how excited she gets when he comes home.
Brynlee got to go Trick or Treating for the first time this year. She was a cute little butterfly. Her cousin Hannah came up and they went together. I don't know that she cared too much about the outfit or the trick or treating for that matter...but Mom loved it!! Plus she got a couple of suckers which are her favorite.
Brynlee's first birthday and Christmas are fast approaching. Where did the time go???? My baby can't possibly be turning 1 in a month!!
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