Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brynlee's First Christmas

This was Brynlee's first Christmas and she got a lot of presents. This picture is her with her very first Christmas present! It was a really cute outfit from her aunt Christi. She also got a cute picture made by Christi, a tummy mat from mom and dad, a beautiful dress from Grandma and Grandpa Hubbard, Baby monitors so that mom can sleep in her own bed, a clothes hamper, and lots of other stuff.
She was 3 weeks old when I took this picture. I found her sound asleep like this. She likes to pose when she sleeps....it is so funny.
Aunt Gillaire bought her a Santa outfit for Christmas. I call this picture "Gangster Santa" because she looks like she is trying to be tough...Shane says she looks like the Grinch.
Doesn't she look like she's saying "What's Up?!?"
She was not too impressed when I put the hat on.
She was being a goof in this one.

I love this one....it looks like she's playing peekaboo
She got to meet Great Grandma Payne (Shane's Grandma) for the first time. We need to get Shane over there so that we can get a 4 generation photo.


Gillaire said...

what's scarry is that her present is bigger than brynlee is :)....LOVE YA LOTS

Julie G. said...

She looks JUST like your baby pictures. I haven't seen Shane's but I'm sure she has a good mix of the both of you in her. What a cutie patootie!!!