Brynlee was thoroughly spoiled of course...did anyone expect any different?!? She got some cute clothes, tons of toys, and two very pretty dresses from church. The above picture is the toy farm that Brynlee got from Grandma and Grandpa Hubbard. She loves it and plays with it all the time!

Brynlee in her cute outfit from Uncle Rollie and Aunt Julie. She also got a zhu zhu pet skunk from her cousins ally and bailey.

This is the Christmas stocking that I made for Brynlee. It took me about a month. Good thing I started early!

Shane and I took the snowmobile up in the mountains and cut our first real Christmas tree for our little family. I think it turned out pretty good!

This is the toy that Shane and I got Bryn for Christmas. It is a piano that plays songs, teaches colors, animals, shapes, etc. It also connects to your tv like a baby video game. She loves to hear the colors and play with the animals, but she hasn't spent a lot of time with it on the tv yet.

Brynlee has always been a good eater. She usually loves pastas, veggies, fruits, yogurt. All kinds of stuff. But lately her favorite food has become Nilla Wafers. Some days she only wants nilla wafers. I of course try to get her to eat something healthy first, but some days it can be interesting. Today, in my attempt to keep her from actually turning into a nilla wafer, have tried spaghetti, brocolli, yogurt, and peaches...all a no go! Here's hoping that she likes her dinner!