Not too much has been going on, but I thought I would post a small update with a ton of pictures.
Rollie and Julie are getting married in June and I just bought my plane tickets. Texas here I come!!
Brynlee has been growing and changing every day. Where did my baby go?? Part of me is happy to see her grow up and the things that she will do...but a part of me is very sad to see my little baby change.
She has recently discovered that she has a voice and now loves to talk. You can't understand a word of it...but she sure loves it when you pretend that you do. She is starting to roll over from her tummy to her back but not the other way around. Brynlee was also starting to outgrow her bassinet so she now sleeps in her "big girl crib"...I thought the first night was going to be rough but she loved it!
I am also learning to make hair bows. They are so fun and cute.